Waqar Ahmed | The Productivity Science
Unsung Pakistani Hero |
Pakistan has faced tremendous security issues from its eastern border since its inception. Security was a big challenge for Pakistan back then and still today. However, things have changed since Pakistan developed its Nuclear Weapons.
Due to Nuclear power, Pakistan feels calm as the intensity of warfare has substantially lowered down to a small magnitude since it became a Nuclear Weapon state on 28 May 1998. And without the magnificent contributions of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and Dr. Abdul Salam, it would have taken Pakistan another century to build a nuclear deterrent to the scale it has reached today.
This morning, the legendary Dr.
Abdul Qadeer Khan’s (April
1, 1936 – October 10, 2021) soul has departed this mortal world; however, the
legacy of his life’s achievement would live on and continue to enlighten the
scientific society in Pakistan for centuries to come. Today is the moment to go
back in time and learn about his life's achievements for his beloved country
Contributions to Pakistan Nuclear Program
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan headed the nuclear program for 25 years. During his time in the project, he founded gas-centrifuge enrichment technology in the nuclear deterrent program. It helped Pakistan to translate the nuclear program into reality.
Moreover, Khan’s contributions go beyond one specific innovation; he was responsible for the space program developments in the country. Khan had provided its supervision to Pakistan’s first Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) project and the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV). He was also behind the transformation of SUPARCO (Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) in the late 1990s.
Mr. Khan had brought a scope to the metallurgy field, and it is the only reason almost every aspiring academia aspires to join this field today. Moreover, he was involved in multiple University projects and specifically the development of the metallurgy field in the engineering world.
Today, there is a mixed view about Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for his creations. For some, he is a hero who has done more for Pakistan than any other. And for others, see him as a villain for his involvement in illegal nuclear proliferation programs beyond the border. The truth remains unearthed till today.
However, one must not ignore the good
he had done to his country by bringing Nuclear power and empowering Pakistan
when it was facing some existential threads all across. His contribution would
always be the silver lining in the darkest clouds in the history of Pakistan.
May his soul rest in peace.