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Secrete to a Productive Life

Waqar Ahmed | CEO Science of Everything
Why is it hard to become productive

You are never too late to start again from the scratch. There is always a way out towards the right path. But before we find a true path, we must acknowledge there’s nothing wrong with being wrong and mistaken. Every human has its weaknesses and strengths. Being creative does not mean always correct. Being old does not mean being mature. There is always the other side of the story. What is your story in life?

Do you want to become productive in life? Are you struggling to complete your assignments within the due date? Are you a social media addict? Do you think you are wasting time on social media scrolling down the screen all day long?

Welcome on board

We all have been that person who senselessly wastes time. Being lazy nerds!

For most of the millennials and Z Gen, the issues start off with social media. They have grown up in the time of Internet social media, selfies, and WhatsApp all around. Nowadays it's crypto and NFTs everywhere. It’s confusing but also rewarding. The trouble in this overly exposed information climate is to balance life.

Every day we wake up asking ourselves many questions ourselves. Why didn’t I wake up at 7: 00 am? It’s only 10 minutes left before my classes start.

What should I do, breakfast or dress up and run for the class? Oh, I didn’t finish my school assignment last night, I was hanging out with friends and I don’t think I will get any time in school to finish writing up.

I didn’t fill the gas into my car last night and now I’m already running short of office time. How would I manage that?

Life is a gift and we must not spoil it.

Productive life is the aspiration of almost 7.7 billion people on this earth. But reading others' success stories is way easier than putting ourselves into their shoes and realizing how hard it is to reach that level. Productivity means pushing yourself one minute more than you had planned. And this process plays in black and white. 

While you are going through the struggles, there’s no colorful painting on the wall and background music of Harry Potter or even a nice girl waiting on the door for you to finish the work to meet her. Work is always exhausting because it consumes energy.

So here is the true test. What should you do to continue your struggle in the right direction?

How do you maintain your personal life and achieve accomplishments in life goals?

For me, the true sense of accomplishment is the completion of a job. The motivation is the possible outcome of the work that I have just finished. And it is not the motivation that pushes me to start working. There is a huge difference in this.

Motivation is the reason I start doing the work, instead, I feel motivated once I have finished my work.

What is your productive life SOPS? How do you keep yourself motivated during the process and take it to the other side of the bridge? Comment your thoughts.



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