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Great thinkers let their Minds go Wild

 Waqar Ahmed | The Productivity Science

We often tend to forget how important it is to appreciate ourselves for being the true warrior on this planet. The roles we have been given or maybe we consciously chose them, it’s true that we’re trying our best to do justice with those roles. History is first envisioned inside the mind and then applied to the ground field. All begin with minds thinking about those events to happen. There is rarely any event in the history of humanity that we could assume as unpredictable. It was human engineering that allowed for the events to happen in ways they took place.

Less than a century ago, this planet was confronted with an existential threat where the entire globe was divided into two sections and a fight for dominance came into momentum. Fortunately, it ended in 1945 with millions lay slain. Luckily in those darkest of hours when humans couldn’t fathom looking outside their homes, managed to survive.

The conjunction of the global community began as a result of a post egalitarian outburst. Scientific thoughts started shaping the world and democracy suddenly became a lifestyle. The king became liable to the law of land after 1789. These all great innovations took place because humanity allowed thinking to be a part of their cultural evolution. The greatest thinkers became the frontman representation of society and peasants headed towards hibernation.

Thinking is what made these greatest breakthroughs possible in our culturally complex societies. We started identifying ourselves as free beings. The end of tyranny became the classic beginning of egalitarianism. Men and Women both became equal pillars of society. Pluralism became our badge of honor.

Today, we stand united against all the pitfalls that want to trigger the clash of civilization. This is the creation of humanity. Without thinking, we would not have achieved these greatest milestones. It is because of those crazy humans who thought differently that we witness these changes happening around us today at a grass route level.

Nothing is possible without realizing the deeper meaning of what has been made normal around our social fabric in which we live, breath, and die. Establish different perspectives and you will start detecting the patterns in the culture that are functioning against its own very fabric. But no one realizes it until someone deliberately learns to look at them. It’s deep, and to dig deep you need sharp tools, like knowledge and awareness.

Knowledge allows the mind to go wild, and purposefully creates a space where real change takes place. A self-aware human always values reconciliation with the Universe. If today we are safe and happy, it is because of harmony with the Universe. It has resulted in peace for all, and we all have contributed to the peace-building on this planet.

It is because we chose to think and understand that we have got here where we are today. This understanding of the world might be okay for today but it doesn’t ensure a safe tomorrow. There are spoilers who want to reverse this progress that humanity has created after centuries of hard work. And it is upon us to not just safeguard today’s knowledge, but also make sure there is continuity in the knowledge creation to ensure a safe future for future generations. It is our moral obligation. Let the seekers lead from the front.

“You will do the greatest services to the state if you shall raise not the roofs of the houses, but the souls of the citizens: for its better that great souls should dwell in small houses than for mean slaves to lurk in great houses.” - Epictetus


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