Waqar Ahmed | The Productivity Science
When there is everything we need in this life, we become happy. But the moment something goes against our desires, we start blaming ourselves and to some extent the world for bringing that misery into our lives. Such is life. No one has everything one desires for. It is supposed to be a constant struggle and no wonder; those who dread this reality encounter harsh consequences in the latter part of their lives.
Everything we do is a process and process brings experience in life. And there is
no guarantee of a good experience all the time. However, it is true that with every
experience comes a great opportunity to learn.
When we talk about real-life experiences, it won't be possible to separate a failed experience from a successful experience. Failed experiences bring a huge
chunk of wisdom into our lives. We grow tremendously when we welcome new
experiences - both positive and negative. It also shows the commonality
of humanity to be connected to the basic roots of evolution. Humans grow with
experience, there is no other way around.
It is not about success or failure - what you learn from those experiences is all that matters. Success brings happiness and a sense of fulfillment. However, the failure is also not that bad. It brings humility and a sense of improvisation.
If life can be summarized in a few words, I would present it in Dickens words:
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."
No matter what we do, there will
be full chances of failure. But it is upon us to take that failure as a sign of
deliverance. Failure is just a sign that there is more work to do. It is not a
dead end. There is a lot more to this life than mere failures. With the ingredients of dedication and hard work, we can ultimately overcome all those failed experiences.
The key is to learn no matter what stands before us. The failure is not the elephant in the room, it is our perception that needs to take it in such a way that ultimately uplifts our souls and strengths the minds to deal with all experiences in life.
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