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11 Lessons I have Learned at 23

 Waqar Ahmed | The Productivity Science

From being a goofy man to certainly someone who wants to know the meaning of the Universe’s pattern, it has been a hell-long journey to discover the true meaning of life. Divinely indulged into the ignorance of known and what could be a better excuse to frame that I didn’t intend to find beyond what’s yet to be known – the unknown. The superstitious belief in the nature of miracle to come for my rescue as being lazy ass couldn’t find the courage to fight back the struggles. That’s what the dark side of life looks like, drowsy and abnormal.

The year of 2021 ends in about 16 days. I have spent 23 years of life on this planet. There are a few things that this long life has taught me, and I want to break that experience down to reinforce the good habits I have inculcated in this life, and rid of the ones that don’t add value to this life.

In the title, I have mentioned the term lesson, but in reality, the lesson is a big claim. Therefore, I have mentioned experience in place of a lesson. Let's begin:

Experience #1

Nothing is good about being ignorant. Life is a book, better get along the story on the daily basis. If you don’t read the pages and simply skip them, you will end up throwing your life in the darkest pages where there is no hope and purpose. Ignorance is an invisible enemy. You won’t experience the impact of ignorance just like a dead can’t experience what it’s like to hang around with living humans. Former thinks he is right while latter appreciates for being exempted from preposterous levies. The felony to pretend to be known of the unknown would drag your life down the slippery slope to an unrecoverable damage. Many you would see end-up dying ignorant, that happens when personal belief is less valued. Start understanding your personal instincts and act upon your knowledge. Believe me, it is the best way to fight ignorance.

Experience #2

Books are unpleasant until they are finished. But the joy of understanding that derives from those pages is unmatchable. It will feed your thoughts for the rest of your life. Don’t hurry reading a book, and start dwelling on the habit of consuming each sentence. Find the pattern in topics and draw visuals in the brain like any fiction story; it helps man's neurocognitive behavior to retain information for a longer time.

Don’t read books to accept their ideas. Read them to converse with your soul. Find new information and replace it with the older ones. The most difficult part in the reading of a book is to overcome the mythological part of life. We have been installed redundant stories from our parents from our entire childhood and it takes courage to rid of that crap. The fact-finding process is challenging and books can be very helpful in doing that job for you.

 Experience #3

Being an adult (physically grown man) doesn’t mean you are intelligent. There is no connection between age and intelligence. There is a very simple formula to break this stupid cultural belief, “respect the elders, but follow only those who have any intellectual ground.”

Experience #4

Movies are a great way to learn about the world. The best movies so far have been produced in Hollywood and to some extent by Bollywood. Give them a shot and try to learn from them.

Experience #5

Music is the best language to communicate with the self. Understand your test and learn the vocabulary of different fortes of the musical industry. So that when you suggest someone about your test of music, you don’t sound stupid.

Experience #6

Learn to speak in front of a camera as well as in the audience. These two skills are the most important things to happen in 21st Century. Don’t waste your time isolating yourself from reality. Because the truth is, the world doesn’t need you, it’s you who has to get along with the world. Better get along, dude!

Experience #7

According to Naval, Coding is the universal truth in 21st century. Everyone must learn something about coding. Today, a personal website is a perfect reference for the portfolio. So, learn computer programming languages. It will pay off in inconceivable dividends.

Experience #8

Social media is a great source to expand our knowledge horizon. But with every passing day, the use of social media is becoming more challenging. As Noam Chomsky said, “the majority are the spectators”. It means that majority of people are busy earning the bread and butter for their family and loved ones, so they don’t have time to scrutinize the events taking place around them. They are ignorant of the facts and reality. And as they are turning towards social media platforms, they are also bringing their ignorance with themselves. So, it is our responsibility to take charge of social media and be careful about biased algorithms. Learn how to engage in respectful conversations on social media and find accurate sources for information.

Experience #9

Distraction inhibits our capacity to react to important things to the fullest. Try to avoid the distraction. Analyze your thinking quality by talking to yourself either by recording your voice on the phone or writing your thoughts in the diary. Learn to understand that your words shape your personality and ultimately makes you who you are today.

Experience #10

Appreciate good things in your life. Don’t accept anything quickly. Learn how algorithms work. Get knowledgeable about current trends, such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs,  US-China conflicts, and new emerging world order.

Experience #11

Diversify your language knowledge as much as possible. Today, the world is becoming a globalized world. Your domestic language might be helpful in your home and surrounding community. But to grow your perspective, try to learn other major languages of the world. Few examples are, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, etc.

Thank you for your company!


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